how calculate percentage in calculator

how calculate percentage in calculator

How to Calculate Percentage in Calculator: A Comprehensive Guide

Calculating percentages using a calculator is a fundamental skill that comes in handy in various real-life situations. Whether  CLICK  figuring out discounts during a shopping spree or calculating interest rates, understanding how to use your calculator efficiently can save time and avoid errors. In this guide, we'll walk through the step-by-step process of calculating percentages using a standard calculator, along with some practical examples to clarify concepts.

Table of Contents

1What is Percentage?
2Types of Percentage Calculations
3Basic Percentage Calculation
4Using Memory Functions
5Calculating Percentage Increase/Decrease
6Calculating Percentage of a Number
7Practical Examples
8Tips for Accuracy
9Common Mistakes to Avoid
11FAQs about Calculating Percentages

What is Percentage?

Percentage expresses a fraction of a whole in terms of 100. 's a way to represent parts of a whole and is widely used in everyday life, business, and mathematics.

Types of Percentage Calculations

There are several types of percentage calculations:

Simple Percentage Calculation

Calculating simple percentages involves finding a portion of a whole number based on a certain percentage.

Percentage Increase/Decrease

This calculation helps determine how much a value has changed in percentage terms over time, whether it's an increase or decrease.

Basic Percentage Calculation

To calculate a percentage using a calculator:

  1. Enter the whole number: Start by typing in the full value you're working with.
  2. Multiply by the percentage: Press the multiplication key (*) followed by the percentage number. For example, to find 20% of 500, enter 500 * 20.
  3. Press equals: Hit the equals (=) key to get the result.

Using Memory Functions

Memory functions on calculators can store numbers temporarily, which is useful for multi-step calculations involving percentages.

Calculating Percentage Increase/Decrease

To calculate percentage increase or decrease:

  1. Subtract the original value from the new value: This gives you the difference.
  2. Divide the difference by the original value: Multiply by 100 to get the percentage change.

Calculating Percentage of a Number

Calculating what percentage one number is of another involves dividing one number by the other and multiplying by 100.

Practical Examples

Let's apply what we've learned:

Example 1: What is 15% of 300?

  • Enter 300 * 15 = on your calculator.
  • The result is 45.

Example 2: A $500 item is on sale at 25% off. What is the sale price?

  • Calculate 500 * (1 - 0.25) =.
  • The sale price is $375.

Tips for Accuracy

  • Double-check inputs: Ensure the correct numbers and percentages are entered.
  • Understand the problem: Interpret what the percentage represents in the context of the question.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Misplacing decimals: Ensure decimals are correctly placed when entering percentages.
  • Forgetting to convert percentages: Convert percentages into decimals before using them in calculations.


Mastering percentage calculations on a calculator can simplify many aspects of daily life and work. By following these steps and examples, you'll be equipped to handle various percentage-related tasks accurately and efficiently.

FAQs about Calculating Percentages

How do I calculate percentage increase?

  • To calculate percentage increase, subtract the original value from the new value, divide by the original value, and multiply by 100.

Can I calculate percentage decrease similarly?

  • Yes, percentage decrease follows the same process as increase but typically results in a negative percentage.

What if I need to find a percentage of a fraction?

  • Simply multiply the fraction by the percentage in decimal form.

Are there shortcuts for calculating percentages without a calculator?

  • Yes, mental math tricks like finding 10% first then scaling up can be helpful.

How can I practice calculating percentages?

  • Use real-life examples such as shopping deals or tip calculations to practice and refine your skills.

By understanding the basics of how to calculate percentages using a calculator, you can enhance your mathematical proficiency and practical problem-solving abilities in various scenarios. Happy calculating!